Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back to life

Haven't we all felt like this at one time or another?

Kalli in an upside down funk.

I have felt this way for most of May.  Business of a Book Fair, birthday, friends death, Mothers day, swaps, and an ear infection that would not go away.  I never heard of bubbles in the ears.  I think I can finally hear again.  So much to say and I have just not felt like blogging  in the evenings.  But then for a while I just wanted to nap after work. 

The Princessa (aka Jasmine, aka Jazzy-girl) and I hung out on the dock a few times.

And watched the ladybugs crawl.

The columbine in mom's columbine garden were gorgeous

And the other spring flowers have also been glorious.
Hopefully more posts to come soon.

Keep dreaming...Colleen
After almost ten years I finally have a bloom
 on the water lily in my tiny water garden.


  1. Sometimes we need lazy upside down moments and veg the world. Hope you have a safe and pleasant weekend.

  2. I'm hope you're feeling better soon. The dock looks like a lovely place to hang.

  3. Yep, I have times like that too! Sometimes you just have to go with it and rest awhile. Hope you are feeling more revived soon! Enjoy the floral show in the mean time.


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