Saturday, August 13, 2011

Foto Finish-Things that are slow

Two weeks agoin Ontario, Canada just off Big Gull Lake I kayaked up Deer Creek on the way to Deer Lake. Sitting on a log was this turtle.  I looked at him and he looked at me and posed nicely for a few photos.

Keep dreaming...Colleen

Kayaking up Deer Creek I always have to cross the beaver dam.
Kayaks are nice and slow.


  1. Nice shot! It's getting harder to find turtles in the wild. I've seen these same guys as far south as Texas, however. They have a wide range, apparently. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have some gorgeous photos of these guys from a trip we did to Canada two tears ago.

  3. He did strike a nice pose for you. Love that you captured that look. It's like the look your kids give you when you point the camera in their direction.

  4. It's great that he posed for you!
    The water looks so serene....

  5. I would like to go kayaking with you. So lovely.


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