Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Catchup, Wrap up, Throwup

I caught up on all my monthly block swaps, packaged and mailed all but one that needs international postage.  Of course I forgot to take pictures of all of them but here are some including some quilt alongs I'm working on.

Block Swap Adventure sneak peek for Cathy in Australia.  I accidentally deleted the full pick.

And to wrap up this swap here are all of the ones I received,

Here are all of the ones made for me in August by Let's Bee Together hive A.  One block  never found its way to me.

Here is block 3 for the Fat Quarter Star quilt along.

And , OK I think I need to be sick.  Sorry.

I think I'm going to bed.
keep dreaming...Colleen
fabrics to use from my stash in the shades of gray charm swap  Join us there a a few spots left.


  1. Feel better, Colleen! Love your blocks!

  2. Wonderful blocks. Sorry you are still missing one from the Bee. Feel better soon!

  3. You blocks are awesome, it is amazing that you are doing so many but my hat is off to you...great job!

  4. That's a great stash Colleen! I think I need to try my hand at a quilt. I've never made one, but I think I will put it on my 2012 goal list.
    Get better!

  5. HOpe you are feeling better today.
    Looks like you had some great swaps.

  6. Now that's a "made ya look" title. Hope you are feeling better.


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