Friday, October 31, 2014

Blogger's Quilt Festival: Let it go - Sew

Here is my entry this fall.
I made this quilt for the Riley Blake fabric challenge.  I was given fat 8ths by  my guild. Perfect for fussycutting.
and the back where I used the leftovers.

 I had been studying butterflies with my second graders and the prints reminded me of their wing details.  So I designed this quilt.
and I went flower crazy with the mums.

  I was also surrounded by students and friends in a Frozen frenzy, with the song Let it go in my head.  So I quilted Let it go - sew into the background.  The green is from Bonnie & Camille's fabric line.

I finished the binding on vacation this summer, sitting by the lake.  And then hung it in my room at the cabin #makeyourcabinpretty with command clips.
Here it is again.  Held up by my dad in Canada.

title:  Let it go-sew
pattern:  orginal by Colleen C. Yarnell
size: 36 x 36
quilted by:  Colleen C. Yarnell

keep dreaming...Colleen
btw have you met my new baby Sofia?  She is named for my Babylock Sofia.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet quilt! I love how you incorporated a bunch from the second graders into this challenge. It looks super cozy on your lap by the water.


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