Sunday, January 25, 2015

Project Quilting 2015 challenge 2: Sunrise Sunset

title:  Sun Colors

pattern:  Original created and sewn by Colleen Yarnell

quilted:  by me with Aurifil 40wt in yellow on my Babylock Sofia, design freehand drawn with chalk pencil

fabrics: hand dyed from stash, background is woven
binding:   hand dyed scraps

inspiration:  pulled all sunrise/ sunset hand dyed from stash.  Thinking about doing strips that became hst.  thinking of how the sky looks when kayaking in Canada.  

Hand dyes from the 1990s, some made my me some purhased from Sherry Wood
I subcut the strip sets but then decided to turn them into hst
Sofia helped with the layout of the HST

Using the yellow 40wt Aurfil made the quilting really stand out.  I am please enough to put it into the living room quilt display lineup.

keep dreaming...Colleen
Its tiring for Sofiasewing and quilting all day.


  1. How clever! I didn't see the sun quilting until I clicked on your page. That is really cool.

  2. Kitty! She's so cute. :) The quilt is wonderfully modern and I love how the quilting is the sun.

  3. This is SO COOL! I just love what you'e done here! Seriously - great work!


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