Saturday, December 17, 2011

Winner will be picked tomorrow

Go to the previous post if you have not had a chance to enter my giveaway.  I will pick a winner probably around noon Sunday.  And now back to baking cookies, burning cds and wrapping presents!

keep dreaming...Colleen
My angel tree decrated in store bought and bazaar made angels.


  1. Your angel tree is beautiful. I usually have a cat tree, but they are my collectibles, so I didn't bother to put the big tree up since the kitties would wreak havoc on it.


  2. Love your angel tree! The wonky crosses/plus signs would be GREAT to swap. They are fast and look great in different fabrics!

  3. Just popped over to say have a wonderful Christmas and a fulfilling New Year in which all your hopes and dreams come true! love Annie xx


I love to hear from my bloggy friends! :o) Sorry no anonymous comments, too much spam!