Sunday, January 22, 2012

Resolved to Sew 2012

VerryBerryHandmade is having a giveaway!   Visit her website for details! 
Some of the quilts to finish.

Resolved to Sew 2012
1. Create a quilt for red & white quilt challenge for FPQG show in March
2.  Finish Star Trek quilt
3.  Finish Bloggers Block of the Month blocks
4.  Finish Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along
5.  Finish Relay for Life Cancer Stars quilt
6.  Quilt Wonky log cabin
7.  Quilt Elongated star baby quilt
8.  Quilt 9 patch diamond quilt
10.  Make a Swoon quilt
11.  Put together Let's Bee together blocks
12.  Put together Block Swap Adventure
13.  Make quilts with old swap blocks
14.  Habitat challenge

Keep dreaming...Colleen
Dad modified and put up some of my $3 shelves in the kitchen.
I can finally display some of my treasures.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your resolutions in 2012. I love the idea of a Star Trek quilt!


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