Sunday, January 22, 2012

Swoon #1

I decided to give in to the need to finally start my Swoon quilt last night.  I loved piecing the swoon block for my red and white quilt.  I had sorted and sorted my Kaffe and Denyse Schmidt fabric until I finally had the pairings that make sense.

I had printed out my pdf pattern of Swoon, but was not going to be making it the way the pattern shows.  I did use it as a guide but I find I am more precise when I use my Marti Mitchell templates from set A, my Companion ruler, and my 6.5 square ruler.  

It has a lot of pieces and cutting out is what takes the longest amount of time.
The sewing is fun and because of the unique corners of the Marti Mitchell templates it makes my point actually all line up nicely.  Cause I sure ain't very precise on my own.  I like chain piecing all of them together.

It is relaxing and I put the Psych series on Roku.  It plays one episode after the other automatically.  I don't like silence so it is background noise.  

I love the way my Swoon block #1 turned out!  I think the fabric pairing is wonderful!  Not sure when I will have time to make the other 8 but will blog when I do.

Keep dreaming...Colleen
Mom and I had an afternoon of lunch, shopping and ice cream on her birthday Jan. 16th!


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